
M&Ms Crunchy Cookie ad with Sophia Thomas

Some things just make sense together: Like cookies & M&Ms & Sophia Thomas!

Keep an ear out on Spotify for the latest M&Ms Crunchy Cookie ad running through Oct 8th. 

Thanks to the entire creative team + my sweet, supportive hubby!

@mms (Fb) @mmschocolate (IG & Twitter)

@themarsagency (Fb) @marsagency (Twitter) @themarsagency (IG)

@madeinkatana (Fb, IG, & Twitter) 

@spotify (Twitter & ...

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Sophia Thomas has more voiceover adventures in August!

Sophia Thomas uses her voice to partner with others positively.

Loved partnering with Boston Public Health, recording for an NYC specific product via an East London studio; and doing 3 spots for GM REWARDS. Also, I’m a part of an animated pilot called OUR HEROES ROCK which is getting closer to release. I’m so excited for the ...

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Sophia Thomas has more Voiceover to celebrate!

Keep an ear out for Sophia Thomas in upcoming JBL spots!

VO celebrations: Had a direct booking for JBL & 3 same-day voiceover demo requests for a prior client last week. ♥️ Feels good to be trusted with new creative material while a campaign evolves. Also grateful for my #voiceover ...

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Sophia Thomas as Jasmine in Camp Caillou, S5 E3

Sophia Thomas plays Jasmine in the 3rd episode of CAMP CAILLOU, Season 5 of “Caillou’s New Adventures.”

#VO 💛🎤🧡🎧💚

Hats off to the following creatives & exceptional cast who make this joyful collaboration possible: 

~my hubby +







IMDb: https://t.co/BnvTXJpSdu

#jasmine #kids  #RepresentionMatters #caillou #Cartoons #cartoonsforchildren #wildbrain #booking #remotework #la #recording #animation #joyous #voiceover #adventures 😊#VO ❣️🎧🎤 💜 

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Sophia Thomas lends voice to American Lung Assoc-RSV video

YouTube https://youtu.be/QrLimo4hg7k

Sophia Thomas is the voice for an American Lung Assoc – RSV video

Had the honor of lending my voice to this @LungAssociation video helping parents with babies to understand RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). 


YouTube https://youtu.be/QrLimo4hg7k 😊 

#VO 💛🎤🧡  http://sophiathomasvoiceover.com

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Sophia Thomas returns as Jasmine in Season 5 of Caillou

Sophia Thomas will be in 6 upcoming episodes of CAILLOU as Jasmine.

I’m back in Season 5 of CAILLOU playing the role of Jasmine in 6 upcoming episodes. The next one, “Camp Caillou,” airs 6/20/2022❣️🎧🎤 💜 

Hats off to the following creatives & dream-team cast who make this joyful collaboration possible: 

~my hubby +







IMDb: https://t.co/BnvTXJpSdu

📸 My photo by @FotoChad 💟

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Sophia Thomas asks Mindy Kaling, “What’s Your Happy Place?”


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Sophia Thomas contributes voiceover promoting Find Your Happy Place!

Sophia Thomas happy to add her voice to FIND YOUR HAPPY PLACE!

Got to be in my #happy place working with all the wonderful creatives below on this recent voiceover collaboration. My heart is ever grateful for my supportive hubby, along with…

@findyourhappyplacebrand (Fb), @findyourhappyplace (IG), @happyplacebrand (Twitter)

@Edelman (Fb & IG) @EdelmanPR (Twitter)

@unileverusa (Fb) @Unilever (IG & ...

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Sophia Thomas voices a fun character in INFOSEC – Choose Your Own Adventure series.

Sophia Thomas participates in Choose Your Own Adventure-5 for Infosec

‘Twas an unexpected treat to be part of a clever project called “Choose Your Own Adventure” for INFOSEC by voicing a character in their animated, corporate #cybersecurity training series, structured like a choose your own adventure game. Each episode is a gently comedic, loose parody of a famous film.  ...

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Sophia Thomas does voice-over for CVS Health!

Sophia Thomas lends voice in 10 CVS Health radio spots… 

One never knows what auditions and/or previous work will garner.  🎤🖤🤍❤️ Lending my voice in 10 CVS Health radio spots… 

Thankful for unexpected opportunities provided by my @cesdvoiceover team & grateful for the following fabulous creatives:

My supportive hubby + 





 #VO work💛🎤🧡🎧💚 #DirectBooking #cesd #CESDTalent #CESDfamily #la #voiceover ...

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