
12-Steps to Recovery

Tony Clomax’s 12-Steps to Recovery: a webseries was recently mentioned in an article re: shows BET could/should greenlight! Stay tuned! SOPHIA THOMAS stars as “Zoey Moon” in episode (#4) airing soon and can be found on the BBN (Black Broadcasting Network) via Verizon FiOs
ARTICLE HERE:www.blog.ajchristian.org/2011/01/31/10-web-shows-bet-could-greenlight-after-the-game/ ‎

UPDATE: 12-Steps to Recovery: a web series is an official ...

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Will star as Amelia in the film “Black Sheep”

Will star as Amelia in the film “Black Sheep”

Starring as “Amelia” opposite the lead (Dennis Johnson) in the film, “Black Sheep” by Keesha Neida.  This film goes into production April 2011.  www.upnextfilms.com (Plot: A young Jamaican boy struggles to pursue his ballet dream with his dance partner, Amelia, against his father’s wishes.)

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Chemisty.com Voice-Over

Chemistry.com Voice-Over

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Protected: The Visitor in NYC Times Square!

Protected: The Visitor in NYC Times Square!

Sophia Thomas plays a leading role as “The Visitor” in “The Visitor” short film which premiered in New York City Times Square at the NYC International Film Festival!

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Directing Actors Gym

5/23/10 – Directing Actors Gym *http://www.livestream.com/directingactors

Adena in “The Makeup” by Miles Maker / Director, Veronique N. Doumbe

[PART 2] Move cursor to… 48:41 | 53:48 | 1:26:22

Watch live streaming video from directingactors at livestream.com

5/2/10 – Directing Actors Gym *http://www.livestream.com/directingactors

Anna in “The Player” by Michael Tolkin / Director, Miles Maker

[Part 2] Move cursor to… 1:37:34 | 1:43:26 | 2:13:10