Here’s a short demo of Jasmine voiced by Sophia Thomas in S5, E21 of Caillou’s New Adventures called “Earth Day.” In it we see one way to collectively make a difference for the betterment of our world.
Huge thanks to Paula Gammon Wilson of #Pepsqually @wildbrainkids & the exceptional cast & crew for making each recording such a joy!
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20414712/reference/
Full Earth Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmot_kY4ksk&list=PL8XvIF6dDmUvajIH7pELi7_OQhtE5XP3c&index=1
Youtube: https://youtu.be/tHZHr0VVb-s
Continue Reading →SEP
Summer fun means surfing & Caillou is happy to be part of the action! 😀
Huge thanks to #Pepsqually & the rest of the cast for making each recording a joy.
Continue Reading →AUG
*Featuring this project I voiced for the AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION and I hope this helps the people who need it:
#actorslife #remote #vo #booking #boothlife #vo #work 💛🎤🧡🎧💚
#VO 💛🎤🧡 http://sophiathomasvoiceover.com
#americanlung association #themoreyouknow #voiceover
Continue Reading →JUL
We know how addicting gaming is for kids, but what happens when it’s your Mom that has the problem?
Link in the first comment. Subscribe, like & comment please!!!
#gamer #videogames #momlife #dadlife
Continue Reading →FEB
Today @justjackietv is at @IndieNightFF Sat, 10/13, 2:30-5:30PM at the TCL Chinese Theater in #hollywood !Tix available at Continue Reading →
Sophia Thomas (as Susan) can be seen in “The No Child Left Behind Debacle” from :40-2:24 as the Bookclub ladies react to Jackie’s latest parenting concern.
In Season 2, Episode 6: Jackie and Walter realize they have not given their 3rd child nearly as much attention & focus as the older 2 children. They ...
Continue Reading →MAY
Ever feel clueless about social media & your teen? Then this episode’s for you. ☺️ Find out how Jackie copes, and if the bookclub ladies can help at 4:38-6:37 🍷
#momlife #teenagers #actorslife #hollywood #comedy #youtube
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8136270/reference
Continue Reading →MAY
Is it possible to #relax AND deal with taxes at the same time? See how the bookclub moms help Jackie deal with her stress in the latest Justjackietv episode called THE RELAX & TAX DEBACLE on @youtube Continue Reading →