Stepped into the 1st week of the New Year with SideLA in Marina Del Rey.
Grateful for everyone involved (tagged & untagged)
CESD Talent Agency
Giddens W. Rateau
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Stepped into the 1st week of the New Year with SideLA in Marina Del Rey.
Grateful for everyone involved (tagged & untagged)
CESD Talent Agency
Giddens W. Rateau
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🎥 AIMEE, directed by @1eewhittaker of @Shttrd_img_flms shines a light on the horrific silent epidemic of child sex trafficking going on right here in the USA.
It’s an honor to participate in something bringing awareness to produce positive change.
(Trailer & Release date coming soon)
#VO #life #films that matter
#aimeemovie #stopchildsextrafficking #wewillfindyou
Continue Reading →VO recording today at World Post Studios: English dubbing for African TV!
Huge thanks to Ricardo Nunez & @eduardoroman123
Photo by @jimmyoligney
#VO #LA #Artist
Demo: http://sophiathomasvoiceover.com/demo http://sophiathomasvoiceover.com
Continue Reading →Had a great time doing #ADR for #Lifetime #TV-Movie with fun, pro-actor #Asylum #Director, Jose Montesinos. 🙂
Premieres 5/13 @ 8 pm/PST!
#Booth Work Rocks
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