Posts Tagged '#stopchildsextrafficking'

Sophia Thomas lends voice to AIMEE film / Trailer just released!

Aimee Official Trailer: Watch, share, enjoy!

Many thanks to the NPO’s who work so tirelessly to rescue and assist in the healing process of survivors. ARC… The Association for the Recovery of Children,  CeCe’s Hope CenterFor the OneSaving Innocence , and Fight to End Exploitation. You are true heroes!!! 

CC version on YouTube


🎼Trailer Music composed by Andrew ...

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Sophia Thomas lends her voice to a new feature, AIMEE, directed by Lee Whittaker of Shattered Image Films (Coming soon…)

Official Movie Poster

🎥 AIMEE, directed by @1eewhittaker of @Shttrd_img_flms shines a light on the horrific silent epidemic of child sex trafficking going on right here in the USA.

It’s an honor to participate in something bringing awareness to produce positive change.‬
(Trailer & Release date coming soon)
#VO #life #films that matter

#aimeemovie #stopchildsextrafficking #wewillfindyou

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