As part of the talented cast/crew of My Name Is Lamar, an important short film based on a true story written by Dale E. Turner & directed by Linda Palmer-Cardone, I’m thrilled to share that this film will be screening at the 1st Golden State Film Festival on SUNDAY, Aug 12 @ 7:15 pm! |
Sepulveda Screening Room
1640 South Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA 90025
For tickets>
Then click on TICKETS, then click on the film name: MY NAME IS LAMAR
Individual tickets for LAMAR are $15 + $2.89 fee.
All-Day Sunday Festival Passes are $30 + $3.72 fee
*The Festival will feature an opening night party event gala (Sun, AUG 5) & red carpet awards ceremony at the conclusion of the event (Sun, AUG 12)